дата: 09.10.2011
The slaughter in Sirte
Crisis Libya: Rebels Create Humanitarian Disaster, Then Blame it on Qaddafi
New reports came forward which revealed US regime's direct ties with Mexican Drug Cartels, providing them protection and even weapons.
Updates from Libya Liberal Youth
NATO Mercenaries tried to attack Sirte from the east with around 400 men. Libyan Defense Forces didn't attack because that would reveal their position, instead let them advance. At least 60 NATO Mercenaries were killed in close combat fighting, the rest fled and scattered quickly in the desert. Libyan Defense Forces have gathered the IDs of the deceased Mercenaries for identification purposes and to inform their families regarding their grave locations.
NATO Mercenaries also tried to attack from the West of Sirte, after intense clashes at least 19 Mercenary bodies have been found yesterday.
Bani Walid
After receiving too many defeats in Bani Walid, NATO has stopped its attempts to invade the town indefinitely.
Libyan Defense Forces and Volunteers have collected abandoned Mercenary bodies from the outskirts of the town and have contacted their families to collect them.
West Libya
Elders from Zintan , al Jalat, and Surman have gathered and called the tribes of the West to form coalition against NATO Mercenaries and the Tamazigh collaborators (this is a response against the Mercenary terrorism in Western Libya.. Reports of looting, murdering and raping has forced these Tribes to rethink their positions and allegiance).
09/oct/11 27 NATO Mercenaries killed and over 200 injured in Southern Sirte
Latest reports from Libya shows that at least 27 Mercenaries have been killed in a pull back operation by Libyan Defense Forces, also at least 200 injured in Southern Sirte.
Libyan Defense Forces have used this strategy to inflict heavy casualties against NATO Mercenaries. First pushing forward behind the front lines, killing many Mercenaries in the process, then a pull back operation is implemented where traps are set, including roadside bombs, booby trapped buildings etc..
09/oct/11 NATO's genocide in Sirte with world's deafening silence
According to new reports everything is being bombed by NATO and its Mercenaries in the town of Sirte. TIMES reports that civilian houses are bombed continuously and civilians who try to flee are killed.
This comes after NATO Mercenaries claimed that there is only 300 civilians in Sirte, that means NATO is planning to kill everyone in the town of 100,000 population, and evidence proves that they are trying to kill everyone in the town.
This will be recorded in history as one of NATO's most heinous crimes against defenseless people, an attempt to exterminate a whole Tribe. Will NATO get away with these crimes? We still have not heard anything from cowardice HRW groups which claim to care for civilians and human rights as much as NATO.
Mexican Drug Cartel working directly for US regime
Zambada Niebla, son of one of the leaders of the Sinaloa "Cartel," arguably the most powerful international narco-trafficking organization on the planet, argues in his criminal case, now pending in federal court in Chicago, that he and the leadership of Mexico's Sinaloa drug-trafficking organization, were, in effect, working for the U.S. government for years by providing US agents with intelligence about rival drug organizations.
In exchange for that cooperation, Zambada Niebla contends, the US government granted the leadership of the Sinaloa "Cartel" immunity from prosecution for their criminal activities — including the narco-trafficking charges he now faces in Chicago.
It was revealed in September that US regime was also selling gun directly to Mexican Drug Cartel, in one case weapons worth 1.25 million USD was sold to Sinaloa cartel (DailyMail).
This is evident that US has not only armed terrorist gangs in Libya, but also in its neighboring state Mexico, fueling bloodshed which has caused the death of more than 30,000 Mexicans.
US regime is one of the biggest supporter of terrorist groups around the world, this is a well known fact but no one speaks out due to fears of abduction or death. US government has killed even Americans for speaking out, for example Mr. Al Awlaki who was killed recently, the only crime he committed was speaking out against US regime's terrorism and support for terrorism.